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本文摘要:2019年6月Catti三级英语笔译真题英翻中部门(译家精编翻译谜底)Both WHO’s constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Right assert that health is a human right, not a privilege for those who can afford it. Over time, that right has made its way into both national and international law. But importantly, the right to health is not simply a noble idea on a piece of paper.世界卫生组织《组织法》与《世界人权宣言》均坚持认为康健是一项人权,而不是那些能为康健买单的人才气享有的特权。

2019年6月Catti三级英语笔译真题英翻中部门(译家精编翻译谜底)Both WHO’s constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Right assert that health is a human right, not a privilege for those who can afford it. Over time, that right has made its way into both national and international law. But importantly, the right to health is not simply a noble idea on a piece of paper.世界卫生组织《组织法》与《世界人权宣言》均坚持认为康健是一项人权,而不是那些能为康健买单的人才气享有的特权。时光流转,光阴似箭,康健权已被载入海内与国际执法。然而,更为重要的是,康健权绝非纸上谈兵。

It has been a platform for major improvements in global health. Since 1948, life expectancy has increased by 25 years. Maternal and childhood mortality have plummeted. Smallpox has been eradicated and polio is on the brink. We have turned the tide on the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Deaths from malaria have dropped dramatically. New vaccines have made once-feared diseases easily preventable. And there are many other causes for celebration. But even as we continue to struggle with old threats, new ones have arisen. Climate change will have profound effects on health. Antimicrobial resistance has the potential to undo the gains of modern medicine. Vaccine hesitancy is putting millions of young lives at risk. Noncommunicable diseases, including heart disease, stroke, cancer diabetes, hypertension, lung diseases and mental illnesses have become the major killers of our time. And of course, we continue to face the ever-present threat of outbreaks and other health emergencies.一直以来,康健权都是鼎力大举改善全球康健状况的一纲领领。自1948年至今,人类预期寿命已延长了25岁。产妇和儿童死亡率大幅下降。




In the past 12 months, WHO has responded to 47 emergencies in 50 countries. We are currently responding to an outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, very near the border with Uganda. As of today, there have been 373 cases and 216 deaths since the outbreak started in August. So far, we have managed to prevent Ebola from spreading across the border, largely because we have much better tools with which to fight Ebola than at any time in history. More than 32,000 people have been vaccinated, which is one of the reasons the outbreak has not spread further than it has. We also have ways to treat those infected. So far, 150 people have been treated with one of four drugs. 14 million travelers have been screened, there have been more than 190 safe and dignified burials, we have done door-to-door advocacy in almost 4000 households and we have trained more than 500 community leaders. But this outbreak has been much more difficult to control, largely because of the security situation in eastern DRC. Armed groups operating in the area conduct regular attacks on the city of Beni, the epicentre of the outbreak. And every time there is an attack, the virus gets an advantage. Vaccination and contact tracing are disrupted.在已往一年的时间里,世卫组织对全球50个国家的47起突发事件举行了努力应对。我们现在正在为毗邻乌干达疆域的刚果民主共和国所发作的埃博拉疫情忙得不行开交。




Health security and health systems are two sides of the same coin. The best long-term investment in protecting and promoting the right to health is to invest in stronger health systems. Because there is simply no other way to achieve universal health coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals than primary health care, with a focus on health promotion and disease prevention. But it will also require WHO and the global health community to work in a much more integrated and coherent way. That’s why WHO and 10 other international health agencies have agreed to work together on a Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Well-Being. The plan has three strategic approaches: integrate, accelerate and account. First, we have committed to integrate many of our processes to increase our collective efficiency. Second, we have committed to accelerate progress by identifying areas of work in which we can truly bend the curve and make more rapid progress towards the health-related SDGs – like research and development, data and sustainable financing. And third, we have committed to keep each other accountable, both to the people we serve, and to the donors and partners who expect results from the resources they give us.卫生宁静和医疗卫生体系事关人类康健的两个方面。掩护与促进康健权的最佳恒久投资方式就是投资更为强大的医疗卫生体系。低级卫生保健以促进康健与预防疾病为重点,低级卫生保健是实现全民康健笼罩与可连续生长目的的不二之选。然而,这需要世卫组织与全球卫生界增强协调与互助。




互联网在这两个环节都为中国的工业生长起到了决议性的作用。The most significance of the Internet in China’s reform and opening up cannot be overstated. Since its application in 2000, the Internet in China has been popularizing for nearly 20 years, especially in the last 15 years, it has played a decisive role in sustaining China’s rapid development as there are two factors for economy to develop. The first one is to improve production efficiency with higher product quality and more creative designs, and the other one is to open channels through which factory products can be delivered to customers at the fastest speed and the lowest cost. That is how the Internet determines China’s industrial development.互联网的生长在设计理念和设计人才方面极大的缩小了我们与国际先进的国家的差距。


这就极大地加速了经济生长的速度。The development of the Internet has significantly bridged the gaps among advanced countries and China in terms of design concepts and design talents. We are endowed with a faster speed to acquire the world’s most advanced design technologies and concepts by the Internet. More importantly, by Internet, more effects could be brought about, thus dramatically accelerating economic development.在渠道的领域,互联网的效果越发显着,好比电商。老黎民通过互联网更容易表达他自己的意愿,更容易对我们现有的一些产物提出一些品评性的意见,而这些也都更好地推动企业的生产,推动政府职能的现代化。首先,是都会人和农村人在获取信息和相同信息上平等,大家都可以通过互联网实时看到中国的生长和中国都会的生长。

互联网刺激黎民钻营优美生活的意愿,而且将意愿化为前行的强大动力。The Internet has an even more obvious effect in the field of channel by taking e-commerce as an example. By Internet, it is easier for ordinary people to express their own will and make as well as share their critical comments on some of our existing products, which will promote production of enterprise and the modernization of governmental functions. First of all, people living in urban and rural areas, by Internet, are equal in picking up and communicating information, so that all of them can witness the China’s development and Chinese cities in real time. Also, the Internet stimulates the aspirations of common people to strive after a better life and then turns their desires into a powerful driving force for development.译家海量实战翻译技术培训(包罗CATTI与MTI)系列案例与推荐导读:1、兼职英语翻译朱女士实战翻译技术培训案例2、兼职英语翻译学员金先生实战翻译技术培训案例3、兼职英语翻译苏小姐实战翻译技术培训案例4、兼职英语翻译赵小姐实战翻译技术培训案例5、兼职英语翻译叶女士实战翻译技术培训案例6、兼职英语翻译学员常先生实战翻译技术培训案例7、兼职英语翻译杭州张小姐英语兼职翻译咨询+实战英语翻译技术定制化培训案例8、兼职英语翻译深圳黄先生英语翻译咨询+实战英语翻译技术定制化培训案例9、兼职英语翻译安徽王小姐英语翻译咨询+实战英语翻译技术定制化培训案例10、兼职英语翻译李小姐培训案例11、兼职英语翻译杨小姐培训案例12、兼职英语翻译精英MTI笔译在读研究生李小姐实战翻译技术培训案例13、Catti三级翻译学员曹先生备考CATTI二级实战翻译真题培训案例14、兼职英语翻译学员彭女士实战翻译技术培训案例15、兼职英语翻译小白甄小姐英语翻译技术测试 + 实战翻译技术培训案例16、非英语专业兼职英语翻译新手邓小姐实战翻译技术培训案例17、白领杨女士英语翻译实战技术培训案例18、跨国企业精英苏先生兼职英语翻译实战技术培训案例19、海归IT精英蒋女士兼职英语翻译实战技术培训案例20、“骨灰级”英语翻译自学者王女士实战翻译技术指导与培训案例21、地产精英庄女士兼职英语翻译实战技术培训案例22、图书治理员秦女士兼职英语翻译实战技术培训案例23、某报社编辑主干李先生Catti英语二级真题培训案例24、兼职英语翻译学员郑女士实战翻译技术培训案例25、深圳黄女士兼职英语实战翻译技术培训案例26、外院翻硕谢先生英语实战翻译技术培训案例27、商务英语专业精英何女士兼职翻译技术培训案例译家有关2018年Catti二级和Catti三级考试真题的部门精讲案例荐读文集:1、Catti翻译资格考试意义重大,译家助考生顺利通关拿证。2、2018年5月Catti二级笔译实务翻译全剖析,译家抢先试译旨为学员拿高分。









31、2018年11月Catti英语二级翻译真题英中Passage 1 精编谜底。32、2019年6月Catti英语二级笔译翻译真题与精编翻译谜底。译家愿景译路,南征北战,戎马生涯,功业昭昭。





